What happened this week in the ASO world?

Some of the cool things in this weekly  app store optimization update
Article About How I Got 150,000 downloads for my mobile apps just using ASO techniques. Love this article, tons of good info.
Google Play Changes
If you’re an app developer in google play, you can now actually post and reply to your reviews. This is going to be a game changer. You’re going to have a direct communication to your users. Right now, app users can communicate with you and you can reply to them.
Now I’m wondering, how many app developers are going to be thinking with their ASO had and think “hey what happened if my replies are keyword reached? Would it make a difference in google ranking? The answer is:  I have no idea.
So it’s going to be interesting to test if this changes in Google play will have an effect in the way developers think about ASO.
My theory is that potentially this can be used to improve ASO… and I won’t be surprised if the developers who are replying to their reviews are getting a bit more love from Google.
Also I talk about changes to the rules in the App Description conditions with Apple.
The app description in the App Store with Apple, right now the special characters are not allowed anymore. Apple went a bit like “sorry guys guys are pushing it to the limit the use of special weird characters, so those people using stars and smileys can’t be used anymore.
My opinion? Using my SEO hat, that characters never help any type of organic traffic coming from Google and as a user, I find those smiles and starts annoying as hell. So well done by Apple.
What else…
Ah yes: Spammy titles in the App store.
It’s also interesting the fact the I have talked to few of my clients doing re-skinning apps and many of them have noticed that spammy title on their apps are being rejected by the Apple.

It seems the Apple TApp store team is already telling app developers to get their act together and many of them are being rejected by having titles like

Fruit Saga Ninja Run Temple Bird
My theory: Apple will start kicking spammy apps pretty soon and I expect to see some tears when this happens…