Icon optimisation is an ASO strategy that does not get mentioned that much, because it can get very emotional.
App companies tend to get attached to their icons, usually because it was developed by a beloved employee or the CEO’s wife.
Some companies consider it as sacred and untouchable, even if maybe it is not the best icon to serve its purpose which is to get more downloads.
So making any changes to it can be a hard decision to make it. It is also scary because loyal users might freak out because it now looks different.
Before you develop your potential new icon, take the time to study icons that are successful and have a lot of competition.
You need to see the competition’s icons to compare with yours. See what other people are doing, aim for something similar because people react to things that are familiar or that they are used to doing.
For example, a running app icon should be something familiar like running shoes or someone running. So anyone scanning while looking for a running app will see your icon and immediately recognise it for what it is – a running app – increasing the chances of her clicking on the icon.
You need to think about your users as well and design an icon that will trigger a subconscious need for them to click on it.
Take note though, icons still need to be split tested before making any final decisions.
And finally, even if you love your icon so much – be open-minded and be brave. If it does not deliver the expected conversions via clicks and downloads, it might be time to change your icon.
101 of Icon Optimization in ASO
The icon is a very important part of your app and it’s marketing efforts.
It is one of the main drivers that influence users to click and download your app.
It is also a potential ASO strategy that you can apply.
Check out the competition to see how you compare and to get inspired by their best practices.