Abhinav Gupta Interview. Making Money with Apps while you sleep

This was one of the most popular interviews I did and I had to get the transcription…. enjoy!banner_apptrillionaires6
Hey guys, Gabriel here and welcome to another episode of The App Store Optimization Podcast. This is the only show where a crazy man like me keeps talking about app store optimization. Before I start the show I want to give you some updates on some quick news.
The first news is I actually have a truck going through my office right now. This always happens as soon as I start recording the podcast I get a truck, a semi-trailer going underneath my office. Ok, it’s gone. The first news on personal side, today I checked my stats for ASOProfessional.com and I realized the site has reached 20,000 visitors this month. It’s kind of crazy that a little site like that can actually reach so much traffic. It has been pretty interesting and a lot of the traffic has come from one of the posts I made about app gratis.
The post was linking to some NCO blogs that are naming app gratis as a black hat app store optimization. They has been a bit of controversy, actually there was some controversy on Facebook, because I’m defending my position that app gratis was in fact doing black hat. Maybe the word black hat is not the best word to describe, but if you don’t know the whole story apparently Tech Crunch published some e-mails where app gratis was promising, giving a guarantee ranking positions to people that were join app gratis for more than a $100,000 in investment.
Obviously they were trying to gain the argument by changing people’s ranking and by guaranteeing that was going to happen based on the bar of downloads. Obviously, right now this is controversy, is this black hat or not. Obviously if you are an app gratis fanatic you’re going to disagree with me and that’s perfectly fine. That’s what I want; people to disagree with me so we can actually have an open discussion about this. You can actually go and find more information in ASOProfessional.com where I actually post a video and a link to the original article.
Also as you know I just updated by App Store Optimization course with  some info about and [Inaudible 00:02:53] I just launched two new videos about BlackBerry app store optimization for the BlackBerry app world on Amazon. The one that has me excited the most is the one of BlackBerry, because after talking to a few developments I actually had a chat yesterday with an app company and they’re crushing it in the app world with BlackBerry. Mainly because no one is doing anything remarkable there and the people that are uploading apps, they’re not doing app store optimization, so it’s extremely easy at the moment to rank in BlackBerry. Although there’s not so much traffic, any traffic that goes usually converts. Check it out if you have time. Go toe ASOcourse.com and it will take you to the udemy course page.
Now the third news that’s pretty interesting is about the launching and release of my apps. I launch release my app last week and it has been pretty messy. I realize I wasn’t ready to launch it properly. If you don’t what release my app does is release my app is an app marketing geek service where you can actually hire small geeks $49.00 that are going to give you some practical marketing service. Instead of going and hiring an app marketing company for $3000 you can go and get small jobs for $49.00.
The more that I have of you people the goes on free geeks from me we’re trying to produce these geeks as much as possible to provide great results and report back. To be honest, it has been a bit overwhelming. I didn’t expect that as soon I was going to launch this I was going to start getting orders. I said to my wife, “I want to launch this. This might not work.” No one is going to order from the site, well… last week we got 25 orders, so it’s going great.
We’re working pretty hard to make it better. I have an amazing team that’s helping me of outsource and virtual assistants and graphic designers. Those guys have been fantastic, so we’re working very hard to have release my app working as good as possible. I’m planning to make an official launch on the first of May. That is the news update.
Ok, for today I have some one that I have fun all the time on Facebook, on Amazon and udemy and every single place. I said to myself, I have to interview this guy. His name is Abhinav Gupta and he is the lead developer and CEO of Game Scorpion, Inc. This guy knows his stuff. I actually read his book and I’m going to be completely honest. Initially I was a bit suspicious because someone that claims to know so much sometimes looks a bit suspicious looks a bit strange, but this guy’s the real deal.
What I love in this interview that we just did actually two hours ago is how human his story is. This is not one of these gurus, experts that are going to tell you that everything is fantastic. He actually has done the whole process and it’s very interesting when you hear the interview that you understand that he understands the pain and difficulty of building a proper business; of going through the whole process.
Very interesting, I’m real excited to have him on the show and I’m pretty sure if you’re thinking about making this a proper business you’re really going to enjoy the interview. It’s not so much about app store optimization but it’s more about developing a proper business. I hope you enjoy the show and I will see you very soon, bye.
Gabriel:           Thank you so much. I’m here today with Abhinav Gupta. He’s one of those guys that I find everywhere. Actually it’s funny because I tried to ignore you initially but I have seen you everywhere. One of the new app entrepreneurs, gurus and I found lots of information about you. I have seen courses, books, and more or less you’re everywhere. The introduction of you, actually tell us who you and how you got started in this whole industry of app opt marketing.
Abhinav:          Absolutely, thank you for having me Gabriel. Basically, I’m the lead developer and CEO at Game Scorpion, Inc. I’m a business trainer for the app business. I’m also a motivation speaker in the mobile and technology industry. I go around teaching others all about the app business, what it’s all about. One of the things is I’m actually in it every single day. I’m developing apps, I’m actually learning about all the different alternate markets out there. All the ways to really make money and not just the next Angry Birds hit. A realistic method, that’s basically the idea.
I started in this business with a challenge originally. Unfortunately, back in 2008 when the recession hit, I actually lost everything I had pretty much. I went into what they call Consumer Proposal in Canada, which is like a bankruptcy. Chapter 11 they would call it in the States I believe. It’s similar in that nature. It’s not a full bankruptcy, but it’s pretty bad.
Gabriel:           It’s not good, regardless of [Crosstalk 00:08:44].
Abhinav:          Exactly. There were a lot of people that went through that. I lost my contract. A lot of people lost their jobs. It was a really challenging time in my life. Thank God I have parents and so I begged my parents to move back in. At that time I had a wife and a child and a little dog.
Gabriel:           I had that.
Abhinav:          I had that dream that everyone has. The little family with the little dog and all of that and I lost it all in that recession. The trouble was I always had this business mentality. I always wanted to be a business owner. At the end of the day, the contract that I was working for, that company just couldn’t support it anymore. Nobody wanted computer stuff. They were outsourcing everything to India and China. I just lost it, I lost the contract.
What ended up happening then was I opened up a little side business doing computer repair. I started fixing computers and doing that stuff and it led me to actually being shipped out to another country. For personal reasons I actually went out and I was in Trinidad on the other side of the world.
Gabriel:           Whoa, ok.
Abhinav:          Unfortunately I couldn’t take care of my customers here in Canada. Someone would have a computer problem. I couldn’t be there. The trouble was I lost a lot of relationships and it got to a point where I was like, man I can’t even run a business. Is there something that I can do that no matter where in the world I am, I can actually run a full time business and not have to worry about all the stress and issues of losing those relationships? Or hurting my own business or hurting my reputation. Also, enjoy my life with my family and be able to do that stuff.
I guess call it an act of God or whatever. That stuff happened. I had to shut down my business because I couldn’t support it being halfway around the world. That’s when I learned about apps. Steve Jobs was talking at the time and he said, “You know what. These things are going to revolutionize the way we do things.” At that time while he was alive I actually got to see him alive thank God and my kids are going to say, “Who was Steve Jobs?”
That’s the thing; it shifted the entire playing field. I was hooked. I got hooked on it and every since I was young I always wanted to make video games. I said alright, I’m going to go full force into this. I had a little bit of a nest egg after trying to save up for my IT business. I actually put it right in full force into the app business and I built my first app. I thought it was going to be an Angry Birds hit because at that time Angry Birds was the number one thing. They were everywhere. I said ok, I’m going to make a 3D retro style game, and 3D was still kind of fresh. It was very hard do.
I invested; I must have invested at least $30,000, $20 or $30,000 or more of my money, eight months of my time back to back. I had a developer named… who’s now a very good friend of mine and he stayed on for sure. We had volunteer developer as well who is also still a good friend of mine. We worked for eight months literally 15, 16 hours. No payments coming in, no money coming in. We were literally back to back and we were like oh my goodness, oh my goodness. We had so much faith in this first app.
We launch it after spending all that time and money and effort. Only about $300 to $400 came in that first month.
Gabriel:           Ouch.
Abhinav:          Yeah. Suffice it to say I was devastated. I was devastated, I couldn’t believe this. I said, “How could this happen?” Why is it that… it wasn’t like it was totally bad. I took what I thought that people would like or specifically I loved was Melina’s Conquest is the name of the game if your want to check it out.
Gabriel:           Ok, so tell us again the name. The name of the game is what?
Abhinav:          It’s called Melina’s Conquest. It’s a full 3D retro videogame. That’s another good thing. All the stuff that I’m telling you guys about, it’s real stuff that I’ve done. It’s not fakeness, I know a lot of time you may hear about fake stuff out there. This is real stuff friend, it’s very real. I’ve done it myself. I went through hell doing it and at the end of the day now I actually go around teaching people about some of my experiences. What works and what doesn’t work in the industry. Because I’m actually there, I do it every single day.
For example, that one app was the starting point for this entire app business for me and what I do today.
Gabriel:           Ok, before we go ahead. I want to talk about something that I usually don’t talk about in the podcast. I really want to focus here because I’ve been talking to a lot of developers. How do you deal with the emotional rollercoaster? [Crosstalk 00:14:00] Especially if you wife is looking at you like this crazy maniac.
Abhinav:          Absolutely, you bring up a very good point Gabriel. One of the biggest challenges that app developers have is a mentality thing, right?  The trouble is it’s not discussed as much. There are a lot of sides to this business that people don’t realize. They think it’s going to be a get rich quick scheme. Get rich quick is something I like to call get poor fast. This is a business at the end of day. It requires a lot of different areas, a lot of different hats; specifically, a very positive, a very can-do faithful mentality. You really need to believe in this because everyone around you is not going to believe you.
We live in an age now where the app business, if it’s done correctly you can be making money while you sleep, while you eat, while you’re doing anything. Right now I’m in an interview thank God with you today. I’m getting paid. People are buying my apps as we speak. All around the world on different platforms and you could do it too. It takes time to set up. People think it’s going to happen in a few days, a few weeks, or a few months.
They look at these big, big companies or these hit stories, this guy made a [Inaudible 00:15:25] in a weekend and you need $250,000. At the end of the day these are real stories I’m sure, but it’s not a realistic thing. At the end of the day if someone gave you a lottery ticket, you can become a millionaire overnight, but chances are unlikely, they’re very low. The thing is I always try and tell everybody, I teach them because I’ve done this; the realistic method is it’s going to take at least a year or two to set this up.
Gabriel:           The setting up, I had on this show before someone like Carter Thomas. He has a whole system in place and actually he’s like a machine, an app producing machine. Where do you think that the developers need to focus regarding the system? It seems to me that many people are trying to buy a blueprint of what the system looks like. Where do they start?
Abhinav:          At the end of the day, that’s a very good question. Firstly, a lot of people will be giving you a lot of the second side of the business. That is what we call the marketing side. There are two sides to this business. The first side is the development side. You need to understand that you are entering if you’re getting into this business; you are entering a software application business. Programming will come up whether you like it or not. It’s silly and I’ve seen too many people say, “I don’t need to know anything about programming.”
That’s like a person entering the real estate market selling houses saying, “I don’t know anything about a house.” At the end of the day, the challenge remains. If you’re getting into this business you are going to see programming, it’s inevitable. What I always like to tell people is it’s not just programming, development is a good half of this, but marketing is the other half.
Right now a lot of the stuff that’s involved is all about marketing stuff. People will pick it up and say that’s the way to go, but then they get really frustrated when they don’t have that development side. Their developers that they’re paying, they’re paying out of the ears for. They make an app for say 5 to 10 thousand dollars. They say alright, we’ll pay you afterwards. Guess what? They get the app made, they put it out.
All that money that’s coming in is going right to those developers. At the end of the day the person’s not making anything. You’re ending up going from one hand with money to the next hand to the developers. That’s a challenge right there in itself.
Or the total opposite where we’ve got people who are very good developers, but they suck at marketing. They know nothing of marketing and then they wonder why their apps not selling.
What I would recommend is first they start at the very base. Understand that this is a business and that you need a setup of business first. Learn about the legalities in your part of the world. For example, if you’re an international developer understand that the app marketplace. The major houses, Google, Apple which are the two main heads; then even if you get into some of the alternate markets like Amazon, Nook and so on a lot of them have their headquarters in the United States.
What this means is that if you’re not in the U.S. then you’re going to have to learn about the international rules and regulations; about taxes, about setting up businesses, little things that could help you. I’ll give you a tip right now for all your listeners right now. If you are an international developer, the U.S. IRS will take a 30% cut. No matter who you are in the world it will take a 30% cut of all your app revenues, all the royalties that you earn, unless you’ve got a treaty. The trouble is a lot of people will say ok let’s take the 30% cut. You don’t even know if you’ve got a treaty with your country.
For example in Canada, we have a treaty here. All I have to do is then is just give that information to my accountant and I know that I don’t have to lose that entire 30%. It might be something much more smaller. If you’re talking a million dollars that three hundred grand that goes out of your pocket right from the IRS just because you didn’t understand that rule. You thought I’m an app developer and that’s it, IRS take my 30%.
Gabriel:           It’s amazing; it’s amazing the amount of little mistakes that we can actually make just by not knowing a very small piece of information. Let’s see, I read your book. Let’s plug your book a little bit. I’m going to be… I was interviewed by Mixergy last year by Andrew Warner and he’s famous for being tough with the questions. I’m going to try to implement that in this part because I’m going to try to be tough.
Let me be 100% honest mate the first time I heard about your book, I was like oh my God. I’m not going to even read it because of the title. Then I got a copy and it was thoroughly mind blowing. I know how difficult it is to write a book, a book in Amazon. The title is App Trillionaires: How to Become an App Developer: Enjoy Life, Make Money and Live Your Dreams! This is extremely optimistic.
How difficult you think it is for people to really understand that there’s effort behind and there’s no dream. It seems that we live in this industry where people are selling dreams. Where do you see that people are failing mainly in understanding this is a business versus just an opportunity?
Abhinav:          There’s a good quote that I heard once is that success is usually skipped by a lot of people because it looks like overalls with hard work. At the end of the day when it comes down to it, a lot of people can live their dreams. They can make this a reality. I went thought it, I know that it is a realistic thing. One of the things that I teach the people is not to make them millionaires. At the end of the day that’s not the first thing you want to do. What my goal is to take you from what you’re doing fulltime to one day doing this full time. Where you can actually expand and start spending time with your families and so on.
The thing is it takes time to set up. That’s the challenge. There’s a lot of people that are either afraid of spending that time or they aren’t really serious. That’s what I’ve learned here in this business. If you seriously want to make it here, then that’s fine. You will do what it takes to get it done, but then most of the people who come into play are going all on the fact that it’s just a dream portion. They forget that this is a business at the end of the day.
There is a life that you… you have to live life too. One of the programs that I’m also introducing in the future is even that transition, how to go from a fulltime employee to fulltime app developer, that in itself is a transition as well. People who actually come into this industry, they actually think that I’m going to become a multimillionaire overnight. You can become a multimillionaire, but it does take hard work. It does take time to do it realistically. If you hit off millions of dollars on your way to that wonderful, but to be realistic you have to understand appt have trends.
Apps have life cycles, there’s an entire ecosystem that’s built into play right now where every single day; for example right now on IOS, IOS is what we call the most standard market. It’s been there for the longest so far. I imagine called a proper app market. That has a whole entire different ecosystem. Then there are alternate markets; there are markets which people have not even touched yet which make you a lot of money. That’s because people have not really gotten into this business. They only think about I’m going to make the next Angry Birds.
I would say the big challenge there is first come down to a realistic idea here. Chances are realistically today in 2013 you’re not going to make a million dollars overnight. By the way, I’m an optimist. I believe in positivity, I believe the glass is always half full. I’m telling you that.
Gabriel:           You’re not going to make a million dollars in your first year in anything, so that’s the most important point to understand.  A lot of people will say I know someone did it.
Abhinav:          Yes, that’s true. Someone can do it. You very well could make a million dollars. One of the things that I always recommended is if you’ve got that million dollar app idea that next Angry Birds, wonderful keep it on the back burner. Know that you want to do. Make a whole bunch of apps, many apps, put them into many markets. There’s not just IOS, there’s the Google Play market for android. There’s the Amazon Kindle Fire for the Amazon market, all android. There’s Barnes & Noble Nook market. There’s BlackBerry market, there’s Samsung who has a market and Windows has a market. A brand new market that’s just emerged and then there’s so many more coming out.
Our technologies are changing. This is an industry that’s not going away. We’ve got LG for example and Samsung, everything that’s going to be coming out in the future in your homes. When it comes to appliances and the normal stuff that you use, they’re all going to have touch screens on them. They need developers to make those apps. This is an industry that is constantly growing. Pretty soon already Samsung’s talking about this year or next year devoting flexible screens.
That means that you will have devices people have never even heard of coming out, where you can actually bend the screens and stuff. It’s incredible. If you think that this industry is going to go away, it isn’t. It does require new app developers to come out and learn new technologies. That means more marketplaces, more opportunities for growth and more chances of building a good revenue stream. Understand that point there.
What I would recommend is people just keep it very realistic. With that mentality once you’ve built it up over a year or two where you’ve got many apps in so many different marketplaces, you’ll start to see a real revenue. I’d be very surprised if you aren’t making money after having 50 to 60 apps inside of all the different marketplaces. You know what I mean?
Gabriel:           Absolutely. Let’s talk a little bit about this idea of launching 50 or 60 apps. One of the things that the trends I see is that when people fail, there’s no analysis of what their failing for. They don’t look at any data or parameter or try to find the cause why they’re failing. What if you give some ideas of why do you see developers, first of all give up Where do you see that they’re actually failing on the path of making this a business rather than just making some quick bucks with some apps. From a business point of view where are the weaknesses that the developers have?
Abhinav:          Firstly, developers should understand, especially if you’re new developers, seasoned developers are very different. New developers or midsize developers you have to understand in this business there are two types of analysis that you need to do. One is what we call technicals; the other one is call fundamentals. If you’ve ever been in a stock business or if you’ve ever played with stocks or foreign exchange and stuff, you may have heard those terms before.
I’ll break it down here right now. Fundamental analysis is on the news. What’s the news in the market? Is Company X coming out with a new product line? Is Company Y going down or are they seeing that they might go bankrupt or something like that? [Inaudible 00:27:28] it alerts you that a new SDT had just come out which could mint you a lot of money. That’s what we call fundamentals, knowing the beat on the street sort of thing.
The second one is what we call technical analysis, that’s your numbers; your sales volume, your trends, actually getting real hardcore data. Every market has a totally different data base, like a data set. For example, Barnes and Noble Nook does very well with children’s apps. If you’ve got children’s video games or children’s apps you will see some very good sales volume there.
IOS is what I would call a generalization market where there is so much public there. What you have to do is you have to zone in on certain categories inside of IOS and do other things now such as ASO. ASO is a very important thing. It’s now the real warrant for 2013 and beyond because there are so many apps that come into play there.
BlackBerry market, its main focus is on the business professionals. That’s the idea. That’s the technical analysis side. You’ll be able to see your numbers. What are those sales that are going on? Are you seeing a spike at a certain time? For example, did Nook just launch a new product line? That’s fundamental side of analysis. Guess what, because you know about that you can go into that and say hey let me make a few apps that are just about to launch. Boom the Nook launches on Day X, you’ve got your apps with it. You will see a spike in your sales. It’s very [Crosstalk 00:28:59]
Gabriel:           Absolutely.
Abhinav:          It’s very straightforward stuff. People just don’t understand it, they’re all connected. Next thing is the trends which you’re going to see with the technical analysis. Technicals and fundamentals mix very well together. Hurricane Sandy was a perfect testament to that. Hurricane Sandy came about, that was fundamental analysis, it was news. There was a huge hurricane. A lot of people lost their lives, it was pretty bad. From an app developers standpoint what happened?
Let’s look at the technicals. Anybody who had a flashlight app on the market boom instant spikes for those apps. Everybody was downloading the flashlight apps like crazy. If you had a free version of the flashlight app you would see spikes during those times with Hurricane Sandy. That’s a horrible example in the sense that it was a very bad tragedy and we feel really bad for what happened.
Let’s look at good thing story not a tragedy but a good thing that’s coming up for example is the World Cup will be coming I believe next year in 2014. Is it? I’m not sure.
Gabriel:           Yes.
Abhinav:          Perfect example, if you’ve got anything related to sports, if you’ve got anything related to soccer; you can actually plot for that. You can plan for that. You already know the fundamental analysis side was the news that guess what, the [Inaudible 00:30:22] World Cup is coming up again. You know that’s coming up. You plan for that. Your technical analysis is you’re going to see numbers. You’re going to see a spike during that time. Because you know this, you could do some preplanning during that time.
The trouble I see from new developers or those who are just in the industry that don’t do this sort of stuff. They’ll go into the market and they won’t do this. They’ll think that oh my app, after two weeks it’s done, that’s it. I can’t look at it again. Maybe we’ll make a new app. You can’t do that. You have to understand that apps have life cycles. They’ve got trends.
The perfect example is I’ve got another app called Intimate Fireplace. Basically that app it spikes during wintertime and also during summertime for certain different reasons. It takes an entire year. Throughout the year I’m going to see spikes inside of my app. You want to set yourself up for that. Just because it goes into what I call app oblivion where it’s now search engine only, just because it goes into that doesn’t mean that it’s not going to come back up into the charts again.
That’s where an entire year, you can actually plot those times where you know chances are it’s going to come up back into the charts again. You could do a whole lot of promotion and marketing. Either a press release or you could do a contest, or you could do an update and boom push that app back right into the charts. I call those zombies by the way. [Inaudible 00:31:55].
Gabriel:           I like it. Obviously, all your amazing feats are feats to do a proper business. You’ve got to farming something, know what you’re farming. You could know the land; you need to have the equipment. If you have an app developer, I have a lot of listeners that are in between developers. They’re doing these on the weekend and they’re wondering, when do think… what kind of signs can they detect in their own apps to know if this is going to be something that can be viable fulltime.
We know how it works. We have a great idea. We work at the convenience of our wives that this is going to be the great business. They say, “Don’t leave your job. Don’t leave your job.”
Abhinav:          Absolutely.
Gabriel:           When do you think is the right time and what kind of things… they need to educate themselves. Part of the thing that is very clear is that education is a vital part for developers; app marketing with ASO, with analytics.
Abhinav:          Absolutely, this is exactly what I’m going to teaching as well coming up in the future. One of my programs will be specifically on that transition from fulltime employee working to fulltime app developer. It is a transition. Firstly, don’t jump into app development just because you see oh my goodness I made a few thousand dollars this month. Just because you made a few thousand dollars in month one doesn’t mean that you’re going to make a few thousand dollars in month two.
You need to understand that it is a set of trends that you need to watch. Wintertime the biggest mistake anybody could ever make if you’re considering going into app dev full time is do not rely on the winter numbers to dictate your entire future business. The winter numbers are the best numbers in the entire year. Some of the worst numbers you’ll see during the year are usually I’d say right now. In this month you’d probably see the worst numbers during April. It makes sense, think about it.
What is everybody doing between April to June? Guess what, April time tax season for most people in North America and probably in the world as well, those who have tax season. That’s the time where everybody’s really focused on their taxes. You see large dips and slopes going down in your numbers. Whereas if it’s Christmas time everybody’s buying tablets, everybody’s buying gift cards, everybody’s buying apps. If you’re going to rely on one month to dictate your entire business before you quit your fulltime job it’s a very dangerous thing to do.
I would recommend at least spend a good year or two and if you really in a rut and you’re like, “I hate my job. I just want to get out,” make sure you have a bugger. That’s the best thing I could recommend. Don’t just take that leap unless you’ve got a buffer. You really need backup money for sure, 150%. I always recommend a year of staying on at your actual workplace fulltime. Then doing this part time until you get to the point where you’re like, “Ok I see a consistent amount. I can guarantee X amount is coming in.” Whether it’s something really small like a thousand dollars or whether you’re really lucky and you’re able to do $10,000, or $20,000 or $30,000.
I’ve met developers who make $150,000 or $300, 000 a month, some of them a million dollars a month. I’ve sat down with companies and big corporations who make multimillion dollars a month. Keep in mind though, these companies and some of these people, the main companies have massive marketing budgets. That’s another thing you have to understand. The reason why a lot of these other companies in today’s day and age on the IOS side are making so much money is because they have massive marketing budgets.
The other thing that you’ve got is if someone is making a lot of a money and their an individual person like a simple just one person developer, they probably have a very solid app. So they’re the ones that you would read in the newspaper sort of thing. For realistic, the regular developer, you need to have a backup plan all the time.
Now you’re taking a risk and it is an educated risk, but don’t just jump in based on that one month of numbers. Take a good solid six months to a year. I would recommend a year, because then you would see your entire trends. You would see what’s the probability of how much I’m going to make in April versus December and also what’ the base amount? What is something that I know guaranteed?  If every single month I know I’m making over let’s say $5,000 a month, then I know my base guarantee, I can say I’m making $5,000 per month; if I make $10,000 one month great, whatever.
Point is at the end of the day; learn from an entire year’s worth of numbers. Don’t take it from one month of numbers. That’s my best advice that I could give to someone who’s planning to quit their day job.
Gabriel:           A lot of people of having that minimum amount that you need to have, your business that minimum amount of income that’s going to come. Otherwise, we all know some entrepreneurs that not knowing how much their going to make, next month is going to be very, very difficult to deal with; especially when you start it, so [Inaudible 00:37:31] especially if you have a family. If you’re young and you’re 18 living with your parents and you want to do this fulltime living in your parents house; go for it. If you have a family, it’s got to be a bit difficult to justify going full time.
Abhinav:          Absolutely. It is a challenge at the end of the day. One of the things I’ll be talking about as well is when you actually do make that transition. The biggest trouble that I’ve seen with a lot of app developers who’ve transitioned from a fulltime job to full time app developer is that they start making the app development business into a fulltime job again.  That’s another day topic.
Gabriel:           They’re going for the freedom of income, for the recurrent income and then they end up being slaves of their own business.
Abhinav:          That’ the danger, yes.
Gabriel:           Abhinav, it’s so nice to know more about you because I know you have so much amazing content out there. I’m going to put the links on the folder from this podcast. Where can people actually find you? I should have asked in the beginning of the podcast. You have so many sources. Where can people find more information about you?
Abhinav:          Absolutely. You can go to GameScorpion.com and all my information is right there as well as place where I’m going to be speaking next. You could come on out and check me out. I’m actually going to be going in a few weeks I’m heading out to San Francisco. I’ll be speaking at Mobile Gaming U.S.A. West. I’ll be there if you’re in that area that’s nice. I’d love to meet with a lot of people. Then I’m all over North America. I actually go around speaking about the industry, about mobile apps and all about it. That’s what I do right now, thank God.
Gabriel:           Thanks fantastic. We’ll actually put the link and I’ll also recommend people to actually check your udemy course and check your book on Amazon. Let me be honest, I’ve read almost all the books there and I was extremely impressed with the content so it’s solid information, especially if you guys are thinking or in between doing this fulltime or not this is good solid advice. I highly recommend it. Thank you so much for taking the time. It’s been a pleasure and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have you again on the show some day.
Abhinav:          Absolutely, I’d love to be there again.
Gabriel:           Ok, thank you very much man. I appreciate it and have a good one.
Abhinav:          Thanks Gabriel.