ASO Professional

Behind Keyword Research for Apps with Straply (Transcribe)

Hey guys, Gabriel Machuret here, and today I’m super pumped. I’m here with George Lawrence, and he is from Straply, and I’m recording this podcast from the kitchen in my house because we just bought a small Golden Retriever puppy. So today I’ll be working one thing because of the new puppy.
I’m excited because we have George, and George is from, as I mentioned before, from Straply; and I’ve been playing with Straply for a few days and I’ll be telling you what Straply if you haven’t seen the video on my website. Let George tell us who he is and what the heck is Straply?
George, welcome to the show.
George: Thanks very much, and thanks for having me, Gabriel. It’s a pleasure to chat with you and it’s a pleasure to have everyone listening. So terrific.straply1
Let me tell you a little bit about Straply. First of all, I’m a mobile app developer, and I was always frustrated with: what’s the next app should I build? What’s going to make me rich? And I could never really find a good way to discover the kind of the niche opportunities in the App Store, for Google Play and for the Apple App Store.
What I was doing is I was wondering: there’s got to be some kind of way investigate and discover the opportunities, the high key word search volumes and the low competition to help me figure what’s in demand that’s no one’s really building an app for yet.
So I experimented and I poked around, and I started collecting some data; and I produced something that looks very much like what some of the other ASO tools are doing. It shows you the position of your apps and it shows you just some basic idea about how your app is doing and what key words are high and low. But then I realized the real interesting bit … and this is the bit that I couldn’t really find anyone else done … was something that would tell me which are the high-volume key words, which are the low-volume key words, and which are the key words that have high competition and low competition, sort of exactly like what the Google AdWords key word tool does but for app store searches; and that’s what I embarked on to try to build.
My other two cofounders and I experimented with a few different approaches, and we finally figured out that accessing the App Store and the Google Play store in certain ways, and analyzing the data with a couple other data sources, made it easy … not easy … but made it possible for us to analyze exactly what we’re hoping to figure out, and that is search volumes and competitions to get a sense of where the best opportunities are.
That’s how Straply was born. Number one, we wanted to help identify niche opportunities in the app stores to help us developers figure out what’s popular but hasn’t been built yet; but also, in so doing, we also built a traditional ASO tool as well so that, if you have an app already built, then you can track how it’s doing in the app stores.
Gabriel: Cool. Exactly. I was actually playing with it while you were talking. One of the things I noticed with Straply is how fast it is. I mean, this is one of the tools that doesn’t require to have a PhD to use. I mean, there’s some ASO tools out there that I use day, and I still … struggle using them; but this was very, very easy to use. Yeah, I mean, you’re completely right. I love that feeling from the Google keyword tool kind of feeling … very, very fast; very easy to visualize.
Tell us a little bit how you came up from the idea to actually developing, because from an idea to Straply … how difficult was it to build this?
George: That’s a great question. Most of the work happened over the course of about a year or more, and at first it really was just a tool that I was thinking I was going to write for myself, just to kind of selfishly horde all this data all by myself and spin out a bunch of apps, and then I realized that this is so interesting, I’m sure other people would want to look at it, and so I decided to turn it into a thing that everybody could use.
Of course, right now, we’re in beta; we’re not charging any money, although we will one day. Anybody can just come by and check it out and start playing with it.
Over the first maybe … I want to say six months or so when I was experimenting with this … it was really just a command-line script that I would run every night, and it would do its thing and produce some data and dump it in a database, and I’d just look through the database myself using a front-end database tool, and just kind of experimenting with it. That was the start, and then I realized that this really could be something interesting.
At first what I needed to do was plug in a bunch of keywords that I was guessing might be interesting to examine; and like a lot of other ASO tools out there, the onus was initially on me, the developer, the invent what I think what I think the popular keywords were, and then my tool would go off and experiment and see if those were high or low volume. But then when I realized that got to be too much work to try to invent or make up what I think the keywords in the App Store is, and I figured out a way to sort of automatically discover what keywords are in play in the app store and in the Play Store.
Once I figured that out, it was really great, because then I had this script running continuously on one of my servers all the time, day and night. What it would do is, when it would discover a new keyword that was popularly searched in the App and Play stores, then it would stick it in my database and it would continue to do analysis on that. The fascinating thing is: over the first, I don’t know, I want to say the first couple of weeks I did this, the keywords were just flooding in as I expected, because I hadn’t built up a large volume of keywords in the database. But now that we’ve been doing this for about a year and collecting keywords automatically be examining the different searches out there, we have a little over 2,000,000 keyword phrases in our database; but the thing that surprises me is, even though we have a large chunk in our database right now, we add to that. In other words, we discover new, every week, about 10,000 new phrases that weren’t being searched on before.
That was something that really fascinated me because, no matter how many phrases you think you’re doing well on, there’s thousands of new phrases being searched by people very single week, and that was really interesting.
But thinking back to your original question, I want to make sure I answered it. How long have I been working on this? A little bit over a year. At first it was just sort of a command-line tool for my own experimentation, and then the second half of the year we started turning it into a real product that other people could come and take a look at. Like I said, the lifecycle of the app is we’re currently in beta, and eventually we’re going to turn it on and ask people to pay a little bit of money for it and turn it into a business.
Gabriel: Yeah, absolutely. It makes sense. All the ASO tools out there are charging money, and you guys have a very different approach to this.
When I made the review for you guys, I actually mentioned that this will be one of the first tools I will use to have an easy way to visualize how things are going. [Funny-wise 00:12:20], it seems to me that you guys have followed a little bit more of the SEO tool. I also like the visual part of the tool because it’s very, very, very easy to look at things. When I’m looking at one of the apps that I’m following for one of my customers, the position in the Apple App Store results is very easy to see if the position has changed. You see automatically the search volume on the right side.
I mean, tell us a little bit about the design itself. Do you guys have any background in the SEO world? What kind of model do you use for this, because it seems to me that you actually have some reference from SEO tools. Am I right?
George: Yes. Well, I’ve never been an SEO professional. I’ve always been a developer, building websites and building apps and things; but I’ve used SEO tools before to try to figure out how to position my websites best in Google or whatnot, so I’m familiar with SEO. But because I’m not an SEO professional, I always tend to go toward the simplest tools possible because they’re easy for me to understand; and that’s what I think you see reflected in Straply, is that I didn’t really want the UI or the interface to get too much in the way. I just wanted it really simple, just a kind of a spreadsheet view of what’s happening, and I didn’t really want it to be very complex or complicated.
To answer you question, yes, I have used SEO tools before, back in the good old days when I was really focused on websites; and now that kind of the hot thing is apps, I’ve played around with some of the other App Store SEO tools and l like them, they’re great. It’s fun to be a competitor against those other guys because, as we all add new features, we all make each other better.
I love what everyone else is doing, but my focus was kind of #1 on simplicity, just give me at a glance; don’t make me do these complicated setup procedures and add a whole big collection of apps to my account. I just really wanted to have a quick glance of what was happening in the app stores by just typing fast and give me the data and that was kind of …
Gabriel: And then you can move on, excellently.
George: Right, and that’s what drove the design of what you see here on Straply.
Gabriel: That’s fantastic. Now let’s talk a little bit about Straply, itself, because there’s some features, and some of them … it’s funny. I have actually had a chat with another SEO god out there, [Stephen Bilo 00:14:38]. He contacted me from … he’s in Poland. He said, to me, “I’m playing with Straply. What the heck is the App Store SEO footprint,” and was had like a two-hour discussion about the App Store SEO footprint. So tell us a little about the App Store SEO footprint because you’re also using big words here, and it’s pretty interesting.
George: I don’t know if that’s the best way to describe the concept, and if one of your listeners has another idea I’d be happy to hear his feedback. Because Straply autodiscovers phrases as opposed to, perhaps, having a tool where a user enters their own phrases, we discovered that some apps had an awful lot of phrases for which they would appear in the search results; and in some cases, on popular apps, it’s thousands and thousands. Other apps have very few keywords that they appear in the search results for. For lack of a better term, I just started calling this their SEO footprint in the App Store, whether it was thousands or hundreds or tens or whatever; so that’s what I considered the SEO footprint.
When you search on Straply for your app and you find it, and you bring up the app page, the very first page you see that has app-specific data is the list of all the phrases for which your app appears; and if you’re lucky and popular, you may have hundreds or thousands of research phrases for which your app appears, and I just kind of refer to that as your “App Store footprint” for lack of a better work.
Gabriel: Fantastic. I love it. In real terms, here, talking about how you can actually use this for App Store optimization, usually my approach with ASO is to find the weakest link. So obviously, if you’re analyzing an app that you want to go for and they have a very low SEO footprint, that will be a good sign for you to try to … I mean, to go for them. Is that right?
George: That’s right, and it was interesting for me to discover that some apps that I thought were very popular, and they do rank well on a few important keywords, it turns out that their footprint is not very large. In other words, the popularity trails off the further away from their keywords that you get, their most important keywords; but other apps have an enormous sort of curve where they’re still popular across a wide collection of keywords, and they don’t drop position in the App Store until after hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. You know, they’ll have hundreds of #1 positions, and then they won’t start dropping to 2, 3, 4 and 5th position until after maybe like a few hundred keywords.
I thought that was really interesting, that some apps have such a large width of presence in the App Store and other apps have a very narrow presence in the App Store.
Gabriel: Fantastic, and also you guys obviously have another feature called the “missed queue of opportunities.” I think I my video I was slightly critical with this one, and then I actually went back and analyzed what you were doing. What I realized is, literally, you have all these suggested phrases that may have a very high volume, but maybe the competition is just maybe one of two apps, and the reason for this is: many of these keyword opportunities are also names of app, themselves. So you guys are obtaining the search data from [inaudible 00:17:44] typing, and obviously it’s important to understand that keywords opportunities, sometimes they may not be real keywords that people should target. Am I right saying this, George, or … ?
George: That’s exactly right, and that’s a good point; but I wanted to say your criticism, or your observation, is absolutely correct, and that’s fair, that for some of our suggestions where we say, “These could be missed opportunities for you,” they really don’t make a whole lot of sense.
What we do is … getting back to this concept of footprint … what we do is we compare your footprint against the footprints of all the other apps, and we try to figure out where the most overlap is, that you X many of your keyword footprint in common with so many other apps. That’s how we build the world of your competition. You see that under the competing apps link.
But then, when we try to find the missed keyword opportunities, what we do is we take your entire collection or neighborhood, if you will, of comparable apps based on your similar footprints, and we figure out which keywords your competitors have in common that you don’t currently appear for. We expose that list to you, and we show the ones that we believe have the highest volume and the lowest competition; and frequently, as you noticed, those keywords are actually app titles.
The interesting thing is: that’s partially driven by the fact that, in the IOS App Store, the search interface will frequently suggest app names, and so that’s why I think there’s a slightly higher spike for IOS apps in suggestion or higher search volumes for app names as keywords because that’s kind of how their interface works. So you type in “ang” and you’ll get back Angry Birds as a suggestion. Well, they’re suggesting an actual app instead of just the search term “angry birds.”
But in the Google Play Store it’s a little bit different. They’ll still suggest apps, but they’ll also suggest … with more frequency than Apple does … they’ll also suggest variant keywords, or popular keywords, or suggested phrases to search, and not quite to many … not quite so often will it be actual titles of apps.
So when you’re taking a look at those missed keyword opportunities for an IOS, yes, absolutely, you’ll see a lot of suggestions that we make for you that happen to be app titles; and in that case, maybe it’s not appropriate for you to consider including that in your keywords. But in the Play Store for Google, often what you’ll see are … maybe now and then you’ll see a few app titles, but you’ll also see common and very good searches that you probably ought to consider putting in your title or description or elsewhere.
Gabriel: Absolutely. I mean, the important point here is, if you guys are doing … you’re actually doing keyword research, look at the missed keyword opportunities, but try to understand: this is data, and your job is to filter and use some common sense on the data that, in this case, Straply is providing. It’s not giving you the list of keywords you have to put.
Some people ask me, “Just give me the list of keywords.” That’s the only thing they want to know,” Give me the list of keywords.” In case, you’re doing your own research and people need to use some brains else, I guess.
George: Right. What we wanted to do is present all of the options for you to pick through, but we realized in talking to our first few beta testers and getting feedback from both you and others that we can make that better, and we are working on making it better. So in a future version of our beta, before we finally decide to launch it officially and start charging money, we want to make sure to improve that list of suggested missed keyword opportunities, to make sure that we’re focusing more on what our true phrases and search phrases and not quite so much as the list reflects today, not quite so much on app names. That’s one of the improvements we have that we’re working on.
In fact, if you don’t mind my rambling on here for a second, one of the other really interesting things that I’d like to tell you and your listeners all about is: one of the features we’re really excited about, and we’re working very hard to get done as soon as we can, is: instead of showing search volume as simply low, medium and high, because that often leads to some confusion … what does high mean? How high is high and how low is low? … we’re working very hard on having established search volumes reflected in actual numbers.
Very soon, maybe in a couple of weeks from now, certainly sometime this summer, what we’ll have is search volume with an estimate showing real numbers: 10,000 a month, 1000 a month, 100 a month, or whatever it is; and I think that’ll really make it clear for people as they look at the missed keyword opportunities, or if they’re just doing keyword research in general, to hone in on where the best opportunities are by looking at search volumes with real numbers.
Gabriel: Exactly. I mean, it’s funny; I was going to talk about that on the next topic. Now that you mention this, I know some ASO tools that have kind of like a score, and the score will be like a difficulty score or like a popularity score; and it creates more confusion and anxiety rather than clarity, sometimes these scores, because the score is based on a random algorithm that is very difficult for developers to trust, in many cases. So obviously, if you guys manage to provide some real data and numbers, even approximate number, is going to be very, very interesting. So yes, I think it’s going to be awesome part of the ASO tool if you manage to implement that.
George: Thanks very much. We’re really excited about getting that out; we can’t wait to start showing people. We realize, as you pointed out, that people don’t really want to have us demonstrate for them what we believe is a good opportunity to using vague concepts, like some kind of scoring mechanism or some kind of high-low mechanism. Really what we’ve discovered that people want is … people who use ASO tools are usually developers or app marketers, and they’re all really smart people. We don’t need to have this kind of information hidden from us; we just show them the numbers and they can make their own judgment about if it’s a great opportunity or not. But, yeah, you’re absolutely right, and that’s what we’re really excited about is kind of being the first ASO tool.
In fact, that kind of takes us a little bit further away from ASO tools and more of a keyword research tool, but we’re excited to be the first keyword research tool for the app stores that talks about established search volumes with real numbers.
Gabriel: Yeah, I love it. Also, let’s move a little bit to next feature where I really think you guys are doing an amazing job from a point of view how easy it is to visualize things. I think, for me, Straply means easy. It’s so easy that I can have any kind of outsourcer managing these very, very, very fast; and one of them is the competitive apps.
I know this is not a new feature. I know every single ASO tool has this, but the way you guys put the search phrases in common is very interesting and is to fast to be able to visualize. For our listeners, the way it works is I put my app, and I see all the competitive apps; and on the right side I see the search phrases that we have in common with the app that’s competing against me. I can see how many of them are competing for phrases that potentially I’m targeting; but then when I click, I can see the search phrases and how well they’re ranking versus my app. This is very, very cool because automatically I can see if they are really a player and if they’re really competing against me.
This is going to be very interesting when people start using yours and you can actually see how you start increasing the keywords that you’re competing against competitors. It’s going to be very good for people to measure if their ASO is actually working or not.
George: That’s great. I’m glad you like it. That’s wonderful to hear. You know, this feature was borne out of the fact that … like I said, I’m a mobile developer and a lot of my friends are mobile developers, and we have this prideful sort of smack-talk between us like, “Well, yeah, I wrote a game and it does a lot better than your game.” “Well, I wrote one; it does a lot better than your game.” So we were going to call this the app smack-down or whatever, kind of like a wrestling match thing.
The concept here is, if you’re really trying to beat another app, it’s unclear to say, “Hey, my app ranks higher than your app on these phrases,” because you don’t really see the whole scope of all of the phrases. Like the footprint, as we kind of refer to it as. If you look at how two apps compare with each by looking at the entirety of the footprint they have in common, you might see that your buddy’s app beats you on a couple of phrases, but maybe those phrases aren’t that important, where you might be beating your buddy on some really key phrases.
It’s interesting to see the different, and I’m glad you like it.
Gabriel: Absolutely. I think it’s a great entry level, especially … I’m actually going to be doing a whole lesson about how to use Straply for my ASO course [Youtome 00:26:30] in the next days, and I think from an entry level it’s great, but if people really spend a bit of time and try to understand, especially I think with data, they need to explore the data, see it in an Excel file … I mean, printed … have a coffee, look at the data, and then I think the “aha” moment is going to click when people realize what they can actually do.
Especially, as you were mentioned, George, before is people that have no idea what type of app to build. I think there’s so many people that want to build and app and they want to have a success in the app store, not to be rich but at least getting some downloads. This is going to be a great way to find the weakness in the market.
George: Yeah, thank you. As a matter of fact, I have a very good developer friend of mine … I keep showing him versions of Straply from a few months ago, and he’s like, “Yeah, that’s great, but I really don’t care how my app is doing.” I’m like, “What do you mean you don’t care how your app is doing?” He’s like, “Well, I care a little bit, but what I really care about is what my next app’s going to do.”
So that’s … it’s exactly that sentiment that all of us app developers and app marketers have, that it’s great that we’ve had some success in the past and we’d like to make sure that our previous apps we’ve worked on continue to grow and are marketed the best they can, so we never want to forget about what we’ve done, but we’re always looking forward to what we can do. So that’s why I wanted to put an emphasis on keyword research, and especially identifying the undiscovered opportunities, to make sure that, whenever you have a new trend happening in the App Store, that you’re the first to realize it and you can take advantage of it.
Gabriel: One of the things I really like, and kudos for you guys, is to try to specialize in the field of … I mean, literally … of keyword research. One of the top tools up there in the SEO world that now have specialized just in keyword research is Market Samurai or Long Tail Pro, that their main goal is to find weakness in the market, find a good keyword, and find … to help it to rank with that keyword. On the other hand, you have [Rubber 00:28:22] SEO Tools for tracking ranking and for how you well are doing; but you guys are literally hammering the [hell out of 00:28:30] keyword research.
It’s great. What gives you this heading? What kind of features you guys can see popping up in Straply if things work well for you guys in the next, let’s say, 12 months.
George: Well, like I said, what we’re really focused on is getting our search volume accurate and relevant to exactly what it is you’re searching for. We want to put our search volume out there with real numbers so it’s easy to understand, you can clearly identify where the opportunities are. But I think the next thing beyond that, or building on that, will be to really help guide you towards larger subject matters.
Like, for example, an app friend of mine said that he built this Sudoku app, and he was really disappointed because he couldn’t get any traction in the app stores. The reason is: all you have to do is research a few of the Sudoku-related keywords and you see that’s there a ton of competition. There’s great search volume, but it’s just totally played out. There’s way too much competition to try to break in.
In the world of Sudoku keywords, there’s maybe several hundred, I haven’t check in a while, but there’s dozens and dozens of Sudoku-related keywords and, if you view that collectively as a whole category, the Sudoku category, you’ll see that there’s really no opportunity anywhere in that category.
Where I’d like to take Straply next in terms of its opportunities to discover untapped niches, the brainstormer if you will … what I’d really like to do is take Straply into an area where you can use it to brainstorm your next app; but it’s not so much specifically one keyword at a time. I’d like developers and marketers to be able to brainstorm where the opportunities are by broader categories of apps.
Gabriel: I guess if you manage to help people to visualize this [inaudible 00:30:11]. I’ve used App Annie before in part of my ASO strategy to find opportunities in the market, but let me tell you, I developed 22 video cores teaching people how to do this; and so it’s not so easy to visualize this. I mean, most of the time you have to go from one screen to another one and check here and there. It’s not the easiest process.
So obviously, if you guys manage to give us a list … I mean, the green light or red light … when an industry [awareness 00:30:43] niche or sub-niche is going to be very tough. It’s going to save people a [little bit 00:30:47] of time going in that … like the Sudoku industry or Sudoku niche.
George: Right. Exactly. I agree with you. It’s a great opportunity for someone, and I hope we do it; but it’s a great opportunity for someone to help developers and app marketers and guide them in a very simple way to say, “Hey, where is the big up-and-coming opportunity that may be small right now but it’s trending up, so you’d better jump on it and throw out some apps now because it’s going to be a big deal.”
I love what you’re saying about keeping it simple because I completely agree; the simpler it is, the easier and more fun it is to use. What I’m envisioning … I don’t know if we’ll be successful doing this or not, but what I’m envisioning is just one big, fat button that says, “Show me what to build today.” You click it and, boom, it says, “Okay, here’s what you’ve got to build. Build something that does this and you’ll be a success,” because people are searching for it but nobody’s really built one yet. I’m looking for the one-button app.
You know that little kids’ game, the Magic Eight-Ball. You shake it and you hold it, and then the little answer floats to the top. I want to build the Magic Eight-Ball of the App Store. “Hey, I’m a developer; I can build something. Shake it and just show me what to build today.”
Gabriel: Click the PayPal button first to get the answer.
George: That’s right. That’s right. You want to build this? It’ll cost you 5 bucks to see what it is.
Gabriel: Fantastic.
Obviously, I guess … let’s talk a little bit about Android. You have done Apple. Obviously we know that Apple doesn’t provide us so much information, and a lot of the information is from the autosuggest, but obviously with Android you have … I mean, with Google Play … you have all that information that Google has. There’s going to be a way bigger database of keywords because we know that Google uses, actually … the Google search algorithm applies, in a kind of way, with Google Play.
How challenging has it been to integrate … because you’re one of the few people, I have to be honest … it impressed me that you launched and you were already showing Apple, and you were showing, at the same time, Google. So how did it go to be able to integrate these two types of different app stores?
George: I was very happy to hear your feedback about noticing that. It’s a challenge to coordinate the two datasets, because our tools that runs continuously in the background discovering new searches runs both against the IOS Apps Store and also, as you know, the Google Play store, and often it finds completely different sets of keywords. There is overlap; it’s not a huge amount of overlap between the two, but it has completely different sets of keywords.
Homogenizing those two datasets, especially as it comes to estimating the search volumes and showing them in a kind of a single search environment was a challenge for us; but a lot of my developer buddies code both, IOS and Android, and I’ve done both myself, and so I didn’t really want to focus on either one. But it is a challenge to make sure that we show them both equally; although, as you know, Android, the Play Store, presents some interesting opportunities that maybe an IOS developer doesn’t necessarily have.
For example, as you know, you can put in keywords into your description, and that makes it so that you have a lot more potential to put in different descriptions that include keywords and other phrases that will give you some kind of search lift.
One of the things … getting back to your question earlier about what we’re going to build in the future … one of the things that I’d like to do is have an SEO-based description identifier, or description enhancer, or whatever, something where, as your updating your Play Store entry and you take your big description of phrases and the phrases you think are going to work best, you can paste that into a box in Straply and say, “Key, kind of rate this for me. How many hot-button phrases did I hit? Are there any other phrases that I could have added? Are there phrases that really aren’t helping me that maybe I should hone?”
One of the things we’d like to, in addition to everything else Straply does, is have a way to help you hone in a description to be as best search-friendly as it could possibly be.
Like everybody knows, Google … the Play Store now lets developers respond back to app reviews, and I think you, yourself, posed this question on an earlier video. You said, “Is that another opportunity for developers to make sure their comments are search-friendly; and perhaps it is, perhaps it isn’t. But that’d be great to be able to author what is … just author off the top of your head what you think is a great response back to your reviews, quickly run it through the Straply identifier to make sure that you’ve got enough really high-volume keywords in there, and then craft the best response back to your users, but in a very App Store SEO-friendly way.
Gabriel: Yeah, absolutely. As soon as I saw that I went, “Oh, here we go.” I come from an inter-marketing background, so in inter-marketing you’re always looking for the weakest line. It’s like … I mean, the weakness in the system. As soon as I know that you could reply I was like, “I wonder what happens if people just start replying with keyword-optimized replies. So it’s going to be [crosstalk 00:35:49]. Thinking about that it’s like, “Hmm, you’re my kind of people. Awesome.”
George: Like you, I’m always looking out for what might be really interesting to start working on next, and some app developers, I’ve noticed, kind of have a boilerplate response, “Thanks. If you’ve got any suggestions let us know,” or “Thanks, we’re working on it.” I’m like, “Dude. What don’t you craft a more interesting response to your users. Number one: they’ll appreciate it; and number two: if there’s any SEO lift at all, you definitely want to make sure you’ve got the best response to your users as you can.
Gabriel: “Thanks for posting a review for the best boxing app in Android.”
George: Yeah, exactly. Right?
Gabriel: I love it. So, George, for people who still don’t know where to find you … I mean, you’ve got [inaudible 00:36:33], tell us where you can find … where they can get in contact with you on where they can actually try Straply.
George: Well, everything’s should start with, and that’s that Straply … The name was a play on words for the phrase or the concept of extrapolate. As we collect a lot of data from the app stores and we extrapolate with our search volume and things, it was a fun little play on words on the work extrapolate. So is where you want to start, and you can get in touch with me by clicking on the feedback tab.
As you’ve mentioned a couple of times, my name is George, so you can get in touch with me at on an email, Twitter, all the other places. We’re trying to be as visible as possible to collect as much feedback from our users as possible because, honestly, quite frankly, we’re building it for them and you and everyone. Right? We want to make sure it’s as easy as it possibly can be for our customers, so we want to take every opportunity to hear, through whatever feedback mechanism you best like. If you want to shoot me an email, great; Twitter, awesome; click the feedback tab, terrific. But it all starts at
Gabriel: Fantastic. Thank you for so much information. It’s been pretty cool, and I love what you guys are doing. I love how … the mentality of developing something that is fast, that works, that is simple. [inaudible 00:37:49] you guys are successful and rich; and hopefully when you guys are rich, you remember that Gabriel interviewed you first. So when you get a big company behind you, don’t forget that Gabriel [inaudible 00:38:01] first. I expect some royalties for consulting.
George: Gabriel, hey man, don’t worry. We don’t forget our friends. It’s all good. And you know what? When we do finally turn on our pricing, we’re trying to be really friendly to make sure that everybody has access to it, and we don’t really want to do some of these complicated mechanisms where you have to pay per app or pay for different tiers. We’re going to have one nice price everybody, and you just pay that one per month and you’re in and you can access everything. But the important thing I want to let you and your readers and your listeners and everyone else know is: we’re going to make sure to have great discounts. So everybody who listens to Gabriel and all of your podcasts and your different domain names that you’ve got, and I know you’ve got [youtome 00:38:43] things going on, you’ve got …
Gabriel: I’m everywhere, man.
George: You are everywhere, and it’s terrific; and I want to make sure that everyone knows that, as soon as we’re ready to start charging money, that anybody who knows Gabriel will be able to get a nice discount, so don’t worry about that. We’ve got you covered.
Gabriel: We’ll have the Columbian ASO God, okay, but you have to put the code COLUMBIANASOGOD in Straply to get a discount.
George: Okay, folks, you heard it here first. As soon as we have a signup on our website, you need to enter COLUMBIANASOGOD as the keyword there for the coupon code.
Gabriel: George, thank you so much, man. Thank you for being such a good sport, and best of luck with Straply. I will be posting all the information in the interview, on the podcast, all the links; and you guys are listening to this, you’re looking for keyword research, you’re a bit stuck, you don’t know what to do, you find ASO tools a bit complicated or you have a firewall of payment before you even find the tool, go and check … very easy to use, and for sure you’re going to start having some cool ideas for keywords for your next app.
George, thank you so much, man.
George: Thank you so much, Gabriel. I’m looking forward to chatting with you and your listeners anytime.
Gabriel: Okay, cheers.
George: Okay, bye now.

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