ASO Professional


Knowing the latest ASO 2016 tactics are essential to keep your app or game competitive into this new year. It’s a known fact that ASO is undergoing rapid change. In the past four years, the strategies used to rank better have evolved drastically. You probably already know that Google and Apple have updated their algorithms frequently. And with every update, plenty of changes are forecasted in the ASO world.

You’ll need to prepare yourself for avoiding the multitude of ASO moves that could get you in trouble. The following are traps you should avoid in ASO 2016.

1. Paid Reviews

Last year, it has been identified that paid reviews should be avoided because it’s unnatural and can be easily detected by app stores. Apple and Google have penalized quite a few apps and games due to fake reviews.

Takeaway: For ASO 2016, follow the legit review tactics or use creative ideas to get legit positive reviews for your apps.

2. Keyword Stuffing

2015 is the year when App Stores have decided to put an end on keyword stuffing, whether for the title, description, or the keywords field. It’s become much riskier to use inappropriate keywords, copyright words, etc., in app store optimization. Abusing (whether unintentional or otherwise) keywords usage can get you penalized for over-optimization in ASO 2016. That’s why you should opt to have relevant keywords for your app.

3. Unfriendly mobile design

The mobile-friendliness of an app is now among top ASO 2016 ranking factors. This means that well-designed mobile-friendly apps perform better than those that aren’t optimized for mobile users. Certain factors, such as too small texts and close together objects, may result in an app being rated non-mobile-friendly. You need to optimize your app in a way that caters to mobile users. Due to the ever-increasing number of mobile users, creating a mobile-friendly app will also improve your app’s performance. You could even experience better conversion rates and user experience, which can again improve your ASO ranking further.

4. Poor user experience

App Stores take into consideration the experience that users have when using your app or game. A bad user experience can damage your app store ranking dramatically. The app stores will continue analyzing how users interact with your app for ASO 2016. Any sign of bad user experience will devalue you.
If users left a negative review, then it’s a red flag that your app doesn’t satisfy users’ expectations. This reduces dwell time and increases pogo sticking, which is one factor of low search app rankings. Optimize your app for better user experience by ensuring it fulfills a need. Keep it visually appealing, easy to navigate, and consistently updated.

5. Lacks Originality

Fresh or something with original content is one of the major factors that will affect your ASO 2016 rankings. If you have reskinned apps, then you better get ready to move lower in the rankings. It’s time to teach your users what you’re capable of. You need to focus on catering to users in your niche with a wide variety of fresh content that addresses their needs. Try to come up with a new idea for your app as this can help you rank higher in Google or iTunes based on its fresh factor. Moreover, to ranking better, a fresh app is a splendid way to build better user engagement. Think about the possibilities of engaging your audience with content addressing a hot, trending topic. Updating your app with new stuff that interests your target audience could improve your traffic flow and conversions.

6. Misusing reconsideration requests

When you violate the Google or Apple’s Guidelines, you get automatically or manually penalized. Once you have made the necessary changes to your site, they allow you to send a reconsideration request. This process helps you in revoking any manual action taken against you. However, there are several aso practitioners who misuse these reconsideration requests and start violating the guidelines again after the penalty is revoked. Remember, repeated violation tactic makes it more difficult to pass the reconsideration process again in the future. This is especially true if the breach was made with the intention to spam. Simply don’t misuse the opportunity.

Final Words on ASO 2016

With every algorithm update, Google and Apple are getting smarter at tackling all the tricks that some aso practitioners or experts implement for better ranking. Finding loopholes and spamming keywords may have helped people in manipulating their app store rankings before. These unethical tactics will no longer work in their favor with the upcoming updates. In fact, they might end up punished for implementing such tricks and fall in the rankings.

If you’re at a risk of getting downranked from the app stores due to the aforementioned ASO 2016 traps, start making important changes so that you can avoid any future issues. Still have any doubts or questions? Feel free to ask me in the comment box below.

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