Not everything in the ASO world has to be with ranking and keywords… so that’s why I decided to start my weekly show (Starting from this week) with 3 cool resources for App store optmization.
Some of these resources are not what conventional people will think as “ASO related” tools… but for sure they can help a lot if you use it with a smart ASO Ninja brain 😉
Landing page: Should you consider RebelMouse?

Last night I was ask by skype if there was a quick easy solution to create a landing page on the fly… yep, on the fly, something that will take just a few seconds. I answered WordPress, but in reality WP is not something you can create FAST.
But then this morning while the kids where screaming ready for breakfast and school… I checked my inbox and I found RebelMouse.
RebelMouse is a new StartUp that integrates all your social media in one place. It’s easy, dead fast and this could be a great idea of App developers that want to setup something “quick”
It not the conventional “landing page” but it could really work specially if you already have some media presence out there. It takes 3 minutes, is dead fun, so why not?
Playing with Ranking stats… looking at MopApp
Very impressed with MopApp
MobApp is one of the nicest way I have seen in a while to look at data and with their new ranking system it gives you a very quick overview to find ideas for your potential future app I really like how easy is to see ranking all across different platforms from iOS, to Google Play.
Also these smart cookies at MopApp are already embracing Windows 8 and other App stores for their ranking and tracking process…
No excuse for boring DEMO videos. Meet PowToon
Making video DEMOs is one of those things that is not easy… and for sure you can invest quiet a lot in doing something that engages people and is also FUN. Someone recommended PowToon and although is not “dead easy” the videos look awesome. For sure for developers that are a bit faster than I am, this is going to be a great resource… their templates are fun, comes with cool sounds and once is done, it can really communicate the message pretty clear . Love it.
What do you think?
any other App marketing resource I should be talking about in my next Video?