Standard Operating Procedure – Keyword Research (Google Play Store)
1) Please refer to “Keyword Research (App Store)” document for complete Step-by-Step Guide. What we did in the App Store (everything from Steps #1 to #10) is exactly the same process as we’re going to do in Google Play Store, just a different platform.
Here are some snapshots for reference:
Google Play Store Homepage
➢ Data Collection From Google Play Sales Page
Animal Face App Page
➢ Data Collection From App Annie
Animal Face App
➢ Data Collection or Keyword Research From Sensor Tower
Animal Face Keyword Optimization on Sensor Tower
a.) Keyword (Main Keywords, Long Tail Keywords or Keyword Phrases) – List all of the targeted keywords, terms, or phrases
b.) Traffic – Data in this column needs to be sorted out in descending order. Must be above 3.0
c.) Difficulty – Should not be more than 1.0 above Traffic
d.) Number of Apps – Data must be above 100